Thursday, July 7, 2011

I just joined Bzz Agent, and I love it! It did not take long and they sent me a full size product of Sprout Organic baby food to sample and review. At first I was thinking the pouch it comes in was weird, but the more I looked at it, the more I liked it! It was easy to take into the diaperbag. I was able to put it in the side pouch and not forget wear it was! Those jars always get thrown into the bottom and I forget where they are, or I have to dig in there forever! Andrew is 1, so I chose the chunkier kind. He gets bored with regular baby food, but he loved this kind! I was shocked. The quality was super. I could actually see chunks of food in there and tell what it was! But it was the perfect size for Andrew. I have seen this at Walmart for about 98 cents. I thought that was high, but I will be purchasing some! The pouch holds a good bit and was enough to feed Andrew dinner for 2 nights!


Sprout Baby food!

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